Collectibles might not be what you are thinking. Some people associate collectibles with stamps, coins, Hummel figurines, or old model trains. A collectible item can be anything from old fountain pen tips, ashtrays, matchbooks, or vintage Barbie clothes. Just something people might collect.
The joy of collecting connects the owner with a sense of nostalgia and yesteryear. Feelings of their youth or parents or family. As Baby Boomers and Gen Xers age, their collections can include things like concert tickets, t-shirts, posters, autographed items (yes, we waited in long lines for autographs!), or anything from a company that no longer exists like Pan Am plane tickets or ATM cards from a defunct savings and loan. Collecting has an emotional element that defies logical thinking.
Which is why as eBay sellers, we can tap into to the market of collectors and learn what people collect, why they collect those things, and how to buy things specifically for the target customer of collectors. This course will educate eBay sellers about the world of collecting, and the profit that comes with it.
Your Instructor
eBay seller since 2003. Self-proclaimed eBay addict teaching eBay the right way.